Tuesday, July 21, 2009

email2sms: another free email to sms service provider

Few days ago Way2Sms launched email to sms service which sends an sms whenever you get a new email. Netcore Solutions, which brought the most popular MyToday free SMS update service also launched email2sms service. Get a free account at http://email2sms.netcore.co.in & start receiving alerts for each email you get. Email2SMS also has options to read complete email, reply, forward, compose new email etc. Since this is a SMS based system, user doesn’t require GPRS service or a phone with GPRS ability. This should work fine on all the mobile phones which have SMS functionality. Though receiving messages is free, you might be charged Rs.3 to Rs.5 for sending messages since it uses premium number. Few of the commands for using this service are provided below: